
Make 2018 the Best Year of Your Life

It’s January! The holidays are over. Does that make you cheer or cry?

A new year always feels like a chance to make a fresh start. A time to let go of what has held us back – whether a basket of resentments or a bucket of bad friends – and move into a brighter, bigger and better future.

This year is referred by some as a time of the “divine feminine;” a perfect time to reflect deeply, listen inwardly and create with intention.

So where to begin?

Right where you are. Everything worthwhile in life is slightly outside your comfort zone. Safe, secure and comfortable is not where your bigger, better life lives. Goals that inspire and stretch your imagination are an invitation to your Higher Self to show up, saddle up, and live it up.

Right now, with your next breath, you can begin the process of transformation and attract a new trajectory for your life.

The catch? You have to want to change and be willing to do the work to change.

Here are three tiny tips for achieving BIG results this year.

Sit and be silent. No matter how much you have on your plate or how many kids you have at your table, you absolutely can make time to consciously count your breaths for 30 seconds. When you access Silence, you access Spirit. Sit, be still and savor the silence.

Meditate and be mindful. Practice Chris’ free Qigong “Renewal of Spirit” meditation to balance mind, body and spirit. You absolutely have 10 minutes! Click here fore details.

New Year, New You journal practice. Make a list of your accomplishments and what you learned in 2017. Look beyond career and money. Are you a bit more patient with your kids? Shown compassion to your charming mother-in-law? Now write down three to 10 goals for 2018. Go beyond the usual “out of debt,” lose 10 lbs” or “fire my hairdresser.” What fills your heart and head with excitement?

Parisa and I are thrilled and grateful you’re in our lives. Helping you achieve goals that make your spirit sing and dance is one of our greatest joys. Thank you for being part of our Shelton Qigong family. We couldn’t do what we do without you.

Let’s help each other and make 2018 the best year of our lives so far!

Love & Gratitude,

— Chris & Parisa Shelton

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