
Jen Primmer

Company: Journey Qigong

Trainer Overview

In 2020 I began my Qigong journey by joining The Qi Club. Immediately I was hooked and after several months of daily practice, I noticed subtle and profound changes in my physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Hungry to learn all I could about the amazing modality allowing me control over my own health, I completed Qigong Teacher Training Level I and II. That was just the beginning, so I jumped feet first and enrolled in Chris Shelton’s Curative Qigong program.

I look forward to meeting you and sharing all that Qigong has to offer. Join me for a Qigong class or contact me for a Curative Qigong session.

“Life’s a journey. It’s better with Qigong.”

Jen Primmer aka ‘West Coast Jen’


Qigong Teacher Trainer Level I and II

Advanced Yoga Teacher Training

Certified Massage Therapist

Bachelor's of Science Exercise Science

Multiple Subject Teaching Credential

Health Science Teaching Credential



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