
May we reap what we sow

Celebrate the link between action and nonaction.

Right now, all across beautiful California, hardworking farmers are reaping what they’ve sown.

The seeds they planted in spring (to sow) are now ready for harvest (to reap).

This is the time of year when the Earth Element, which is associated with the stomach, spleen and pancreas are in the most need of attention.

When your Earth element is in balance you are grounded, centered and have an openness to guide those whose harvest needs help.

Look at the bounty coming from the fields to our tables right now:

gourds, asparagus, artichokes, sweet potatoes, pumpkins (not only to decorate but more importantly to nurture your Earth element).

That’s just a taste of what the land is set-and-ready to provide us.

So often we hear the proverb “you reap what you sow” delivered in a tone that promises judgment and pain.

You do bad things and bad things will happen to you.

Let’s turn that frown upside 🙂

Today as we step into the First Day of Fall (September 23), I invite you to “count your blessings” and celebrate the goodness you’ve helped bring to fruition.

Maybe you volunteer at your kids’ school, help your elderly neighbor with yard work or resist flipping the bird at all those bad drivers in your way!

Life feels good when we do good.

The quickest, most effective way to reap bountiful harvests of creativity, positive energy, goodwill and Joy is to access our biggest and most delicious basket of bounty: inner peace.

And yup, I’ve got a Qigong app for that! <wink>

The Renewal of Spirit Meditation honors not only the changing of seasons, but allows us to renew ourselves, both within and without, on all our cycles: daily, weekly, monthly and yearly.

When we accept the perfect unfolding of our daily lives, we settle down and settle into deeper states of mindfulness and rejuvenation.

Think of Qigong, and all forms of internal cultivation, as a way to plow, de-weed, plant and harvest the delights of your mind, body, and spirit.

This past Saturday, September 21 was the International Day of Peace and Consciousness San Jose festival.

A globally shared day encouraging peoples around the world (all 7.7 billion of us!) to expand our consciousness, commit to peace above all differences and uplift humanity.

You shall reap what you sow is good news.

The kindness and love you show to yourself by how you think, feel and what you put into your body has a ripple effect.

Your good deeds in the world are like fresh fruits and vegetables: nourishing, colorful, delicious and appreciated.

The good in you is what makes life sweet and wholesome.

As we celebrate a new season of gratitude and serenity, may you “break bread” (gluten-free) with the friends and family at your table and celebrate all that you’ve grown into and away from.

Well done, kind heart. I knight you an honorary farmer!

Here’s to sowing and reaping forever,


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