
Planting Trees in Hawaii With David Wolfe

Amid life’s challenges, we are often met with blessings…

It is hard to put into words the deep gratitude I feel after having the opportunity to spend time planting trees on the beautiful island of Kauai with our dear friend, David Wolfe.

What a healing experience it is to reconnect with nature in its wildest forms and to contribute to it by caring for the forest.

This was such a beautiful experience, we compiled some of our favorite moments into a video to share. We hope you gain some of the same inspiration we felt by being there.

Many decades ago, Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalaniana’ole, known as the citizen prince, was an advocate for the native Hawaiians facing the loss of their lands and culture amidst the U.S. annexation of the Hawaiian islands.

In order to be in service to the Hawaiian people, Prince Kuhio and a group of advocates persuaded President Warren G. Harding to set aside 200,000 acres of land to be given to them. Kuhio wrote to the U.S. senators before passage of the act, that the only way to rehabilitate the Hawaiian race was to “place them back upon the soil.”

Our connection to this earth is a powerful and healing force. Our beautiful planet offers us everything that we truly need, including the unparalleled beauty that uplifts our spirits.

As David said on our journey, “the forest produces everything you need to live and be healthy.” By reconnecting to our place as a part of nature, we realign with what is most nourishing, replenishing and reparative.

Any action taken in service to our beautiful home is an action in service to us all. May we rejoice in the powers of nature and be of service to our planet.


Chris and Parisa

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