
Traditional Chinese Medicine – The Heart Meridian

The Path of the Heart Meridian

Figure 13- Heart Meridian

The Heart meridian has three branches, each of which begins in the heart. Two of the branches are internal;  one runs through the diaphragm to connect to the small intestine, while a second branch runs upward along the side of the throat to the eye. The third, external branch runs across the chest from the heart to the lung, then descends and emerges in the underarm. Thus, on the surface of the body, it begins at the front crease of the armpit, runs down the inside of the arm, across the wrist and palm, and terminates at the inside tip of the little finger where it connects with the Small Intestine meridian.


Useful Acupoint on the Heart Meridian

Figure 14- Heart 9

HT 9: This point is located at the tip of the pinky finger, on the inner edge of the fingernail. Holding or massaging this point will normalize heart rate. Thus, whenever you feel your heart rate rise—for physical causes, such as a vigorous workout, or for emotional causes, such as stage fright—hold your pinky and breathe deeply.  You may also say the Heart sound, “HAAA”, for extra help in  restoring normal heart rate.

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