
Yvette Espinosa Clark

Company: Qigong Heal Within

Trainer Overview

I am Yvette Espinosa Clark, a certified Qigong Instructor. I feel passionate about empowering others to live their healthiest lives, maintain great health, or guide them through their healing journey.

Qigong allows us to activate the healing energy that resides within all of us. It is a way to take our health into our own hands. Qigong is preventative medicine, the best medicine. My body is a true testament to this.

I came across Qigong during my healing journey. I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease in 2016. I chose the holistic route because I wanted to get to the root cause of my illness, rather than masking it with a band-aid. I was told, that if I didn't take three harsh medications, I would be in a wheelchair forever, or worse, I could possibly die. There is “no cure”, I was told repeatedly. My soul trusted and told me otherwise. However, medication is sometimes necessary. Everyone’s journey is different and unique.

Over time, with diet changes, acupuncture, and supplements, I began to heal. But, it wasn't until I started practicing Qigong, that I began to witness the true healing and transformation begin within. I slowly began to get my life back, my health back. I could once again, do basic day-to-day things without pain and feel joy. I decided to dive deeper into understanding the mind-body connection and how Qigong worked within. Not only so I could heal further, but to share it with the rest of the world once I was healthy enough to do so.
I steadily improved each month, throughout the years. I have been teaching since 2018, and my healing has been miraculous... mind-blowing.

This year, 2023, I did my bloodwork and all my numbers are in normal range. Yes! No more inflammation in my body. I am cured! The numbers don't lie. I share my story to encourage others not to lose faith during their healing journey and never underestimate the power of Qigong, the mind, body, and soul connection. Our body wants to heal and be healthy.
To live your healthiest life it is crucial to listen to your body and make your health a priority. Speaking from my own personal experience, health truly is wealth! I know what it's like to not have your health. This is why I do what I do today.

A little about me...
I am a Nature Lover. I enjoy just about anything outdoors to connect with the healing energy of Mother Nature. I cherish spending time with my kids, family, and friends. Nothing lights my fire more than, helping others heal or maintain great health. Every day is a gift. I am grateful to have my life back. I have been given a second chance. It's time for me to share my knowledge with others and give back.

My goal is to have others practice Qigong as a preventative medicine, rather than wait until they are in crisis mode. Stay ahead of your health, making Qigong part of your everyday routine so you can live a life filled with great health, peace, balance, harmony, and vitality.

Qigong, along with a healthy diet, and lifestyle changes, is the key to a healthy mind-body.
I would be honored to guide you on your wellness journey.

Peace and Love,
Yvette Clark


Cosmetologist for 28 years. This taught me the importance of energy with touch. Allowing others a safe space.
Level 1 and 2 Medical Qigong-Morning Crane
Level 1-3 White Tiger Qigong
Currently taking a Nutrition Coaching Course


I have been a student of Qigong since 2017. I have been teaching since 2018. I teach group and individual sessions, in person and via Zoom. I have taught at numerous wellness retreats and events for corporations and private parties.  I navigated through my own healing journey, from a wheelchair to thriving. With guidance from many angels, along the way. By having to be my own health advocate, I learned a wealth of knowledge through my healing journey.

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