
Year of The Tiger 2022!

We have embarked upon the Year of the Yang Water Tiger! ????????????

What does this mean?

According to Five Elements principals, the year of the Water Tiger is associated with the color black, which is also related to our kidneys. So this year it is especially important to maintain and repair our kidney health.

Our kidneys are often referred to as the ‘Root of Life’ since they control our will power, bones and marrow, our mind, sexual and reproductive power, our ears, and our ability to heal from injury and illness.

Healthy kidneys mean a long, healthy life!

In a Yang-Water year, think of the way water flows… it can be calming and flowing or it can be chaotic, stormy and even dangerous and unforgiving.

Thus, it is very important to tune into our will power, wisdom and inner guidance when challenges arise so that we can manifest greatness this year.

It will also be important to make sure we are taking time to rest, recharge, and relax so as to protect our vital life-force-energy.

Be sure to watch this week’s video where I talk more in depth about this exciting new Tiger year and some things you can do to maintain your Qi health, plus some feng shui tips to flow with the Water energy of 2022!

We wish you a healthy, happy and prosperous tiger year and beyond. ????????????

Chris and Parisa

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