
30 Days Qigong To Better Health

Wow, what a week!

Not sure about you, but our week was jam packed with lots of excitement ???? and a little bit of heart break too. ????

That’s just being real because we’re real people, just like you.

The good news is that we have powerful tools to help us deal with stress and strife, sadness and loss.

We know how to help ourselves when things don’t go as planned, and we are on a mission to empower you to do the same.

We’re obsessed with sharing Qigong because it works so well for so many things. ☯️

Qigong is an energy cultivation practice that has withstood the test of time.

There are two main components to our practice: Medical Qigong Therapy (private one-on-one) and Self-Regulatory Qigong (by yourself or in a group).

Both are leading-edge and transformational.

The cool thing about the Self-Regulatory Qigong practices are that you don’t need much. All you need is a willingness to try, and the ability to set aside time and space for yourself.

In 2016 we released the 30 Days Qigong To Better Health on YouTube, which is a series of classes that builds upon the previous class.

This series is more relevant today than ever before.

If you haven’t done this series, it’s highly recommended that you start today.

Give it a try and let us know how it goes.

Click here to access the entire 30 Days Qigong To Better Health playlist.


Thank you for reading this.
We love you and appreciate your time and energy. ❤️

Qi ya,
Chris and Parisa

2 thoughts on “30 Days Qigong To Better Health”

  1. Hello Chris,
    Thank you for the reminder of your series. Now after so much change I will work on setting up the routine to implement your Qi Gong Series that works when you work it.
    You are a blessing to so many. Prayers to you and Parisa.
    Love and Light
    Sheree Garrett
    Community of Infinite Spirit

    1. Thank you so much Sheree! Great to hear for you. Appreciate the prayer blessings and ditto to you as well. Qi ya.

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