
Qigong for Mental Focus

Even as I sit down to write this email, I find myself surrounded by weapons of mass distraction!

These distractions can enable us to procrastinate, which can turn into a downward spiral of demotivation or unfulfillment.

However, you are so much more powerful than you realize!

Making the choice to put down the distractions and recenter yourself can do wonders for your body and mind.

You are the real currency and how you spend your time and attention matters.

Qigong is cool because it gives us a way to focus our energy so that we can spend our time wisely.

Watch this week’s video for an easy and quick Qigong flow that specifically aims to bring you mental focus.

Throw this video on when you need to reset and refocus.

It matters what you do with your days because you matter!

Chris and Parisa

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