
Going Deep with Billy Blanks

My dear friend and client, Billy Blanks, is a world champion martial artist and international fitness superstar. ????

Famous for creating the Tae Bo exercise program, yesterday he received the Jack LaLanne Lifetime Achievement Award from the IDEA Health and Fitness Association.

Congrats, Billy for the award!!! ????

It was an awesome experience witnessing Billy accept the honor in Las Vegas, NV.

The award was presented by 96 year old, Elaine LaLanne (aka LaLa) Jack’s wife who continues to maintain a regular exercise routine, along with her husband’s legacy.

Billy has always been an inspiration to me, so I decided to sit down with him a few years back to share his depth of character and deep insights with our awesome Qi community.

In addition to being a driving force in the ring, Billy is one of the most insightful people I know. When teaching, he ends each class with a motivational speech, because he wants others to workout their bodies and their minds to achieve their highest potential.

“What’s the most powerful thing in the world?” ????

In this video, we will discuss where Billy derives his inspiration from and how he has formed the core beliefs that have guided him to greatness.

Join me as I speak in-depth with one of my favorite friends, fitness experts and motivational leaders.

Flex your body, mind and spirit with me and Billy in this rich and balanced discussion on God, Jesus, spirituality, and our individual roles in creating the life we want.

You are the change that you wish to see in the world.

Thank you for your time and good-ass-Qi.

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