
Busy like a Bee? Tools to Increase Balance

Find Reverence!

“Reverence” is a feeling of deep respect tinged with awe. If you’ve ever been spellbound by the crashing of waves, the cuteness of a dog, or the sound of a child’s laughter, you know the gift that is reverence.

If you just thought, “I don’t have time for stuff like that! I’m a busy-bee!” It’s time to slow down and look in. There are miracles all around you. When was the last time you stopped to admire a flower? Watch a bee climb inside a blossom? Admire a spider web?
Reverence is a form of inspiration that opens our heart to feelings of connectedness, joy and peace. When you feel that “all is well” in the world, even just for a moment, your heart and spirit are wide open. You’ve tapped into the powerful reverent force that is Life.
As spring officially transitions into summer on June 21st, our energy and environment also change.
Summer is the season when our hearts are most active. The heart is the emperor of the body. Your heart is small, only the size of your fist, but its proper functioning determines life and death. This organ’s importance is matched by its positive virtues. The heart is all about love, love, love; not only romantic love but universal love that reminds us of our shared humanity.
Mainstream science has recently fallen in love with the energetic properties of the heart. Researchers are regularly amazed to discover that our heart contains electromagnetic impulses that send and receive signals. In simplest terms, the heart has consciousness and these electromagnetic signals have an impact on our body, mind and spirit.
Think about it. Why is it when we’re stressed, our hearts begin to race? Or when we show anger, why do our hearts feel pinched and closed? When we admire a sunset and practice reverence, how does our heart know to slow down and calm us down?
Western science – and Western medicine – are finally starting to confirm what ancient traditions have known for thousands of years: the heart houses consciousness. The heart’s consciousness is different from our mind chatter and analytical thinking.
The heart presides over a type of intelligence and knowing that is called “Shen” or commonly referred to as “Spirit.” The strength of one’s Shen/Spirit is reflected in how much sparkle you have in your eyes, how much spring in your step, the vibrancy of your personality.
Here are three tips for strengthening your spirit, opening your heart and inviting reverence into your life.
Balance warm weather with cool foods. Cool down naturally this summer with yummy treats like watermelon, cherries, cucumber and fresh mint. (You can put mint in your salads or add them to your smoothies.) Bitter but tasty vegetables like rhubarb, bitter greens and kale are heart-loving foods.
Cleanse your heart, soften your mind, uplift your spirit. The heart is related to the Fire Element, which helps cleanse our mind, body and spirit of emotions like excitement, panic and overwhelm.  Click here to learn how to cleanse your heart using simple and gentle Qigong movements.
Cool off by getting wet. Go to the pool, party at the beach or go jump in the lake! Soak up vitamin D this summer (remember your sunscreen), drink lots of filtered water, and fill your heart with laughter and joy. Indulge your inner child and build sandcastles this summer. Stay open and reverent as your playful creations are washed away. All is well.

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