
Cancer, tumors, fibroids

Dear Reader,

Our heart felt condolences if you or anyone you know is suffering, or has suffered, from cancer, tumors, or fibroids.

We sincerely hope that this week’s video gives you clarity and actionable steps to prevent and possibly reverse the effects of this tumultuous disease.

If you are suffering from cancer, our main message is do NOT beat yourself up.

It is not your fault. Let me repeat. It’s not your fault!

The suffering you maybe going through is NOT due to any sin, karma, or something you did in a past-life.

Rather, we want you to uncover where your internal blockages are.

To all my people-pleasing-peps out there – don’t let other people impose their agenda onto you. Stand in your truth and speak your voice, loud and proud.

That way you can clear those blockages and be on your way to health, happiness and healing-transformations.

Until next time.  Be well.  And Qi ya later.


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