
The Hidden Messages in Water

Hello Reader,

Back in the late 90s, Dr. Emoto scientifically proved that Consciousness (i.e. the Tao or God) expresses itself through water.

He showed that water is affected by words and thoughts and since the human body is more than 75% water, we are also affected by words and thoughts on a cellular level.

That’s why this week we were so excited to visit our friends at KAQUN – an oxygen bath healing spa!

We even had an opportunity to speak with the owner, Matthew, who explained how it all works and why this water is so healing.

We’ve been a few times and are always awed by how good we feel after each soak.

Through a very specific electrolysis process, KAQUN water represents an absolutely unique advancement in water technology for health.

These soaking sessions can be incredibly healing for all kinds of illnesses, even cancer treatment because cancer cells cannot live in a highly oxygenated environment.

Once the oxygen penetrates your cells on a deeper level, everything in your body starts working better.

Besides the deeper cellular benefits, taking one of these 50 min soaking sessions somehow energizes you AND relaxes you at the same time!

Incorporating this into your life can only add another level of support to your
wellbeing. Along with a consistent Qigong practice, a healthy well-rounded diet, exercise and good sleep, you will have the vibrancy you were always meant to have.

Remember, health is a balanced approach utilizing different tools and techniques to live the life you want to live.

Be sure to watch this week’s video to find out more about this magical aquatic experience and check out KaqunLA.com to learn more details!

Sending you love and good vibes!
May the Qi be with you,
Chris & Parisa

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