
Qigong for Kidney Stones

Spring is in the air! A perfect time to cleanse, release and clear the mind, body and clutter!

In Chinese Medicine, winter is the season of the Water Element which is associated with the kidneys and preserving our energy.

So now that winter has transitioned into spring, it’s an especially good time to improve our diets and any poor habits we may have developed over the winter months.

Did you know that kidney stones are actually a form of cholesterol?

That’s why I always recommend that the first thing to do when you wake up is to start your day with warm water, add lime or lemon juice and a teaspoon of coconut oil mixed in to break down the cholesterol in the system.

Our kidneys are sensitive organs and must be taken care of as the ‘batteries’ of our bodies. Excessive emotions of fear, shock and stress, poor diet, lack of hydration and sleep deprivation can all contribute to the imbalance of our kidney health and Qi.

Watch this week’s video for more healing tips and qigong exercises you can do in the comfort of your own home to preserve the kidney Qi and prevent or help with kidney stones.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend and sending you some good-ass-Qi! ❤️☯️

-Chris and Parisa

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