
Qigong for Sudden Loss

The holidays can be a beautiful time of year filled with joy and gratitude, yet for those of us suffering a recent and/or painful loss, the season can seem to amplify the pain we are feeling like nothing else…

Even amidst gatherings and celebrations, one may be left feeling abandoned, lonely, or lack-of-joy.

Sudden loss is an acute pain we will all feel at some point during our lives. It is the kind of experience that can floor us and make it difficult to address the day.

The feelings of grief, sorrow, and even anger, further impact our well-being when they enter and become stored in the cells and tissues of the body. If not released, this will lead to inflammation, susceptibility to illness, and other physical imbalances.

We are processing our own sudden loss, with the passing of our dear and close friend, Eric Fleishman, aka Eric the Trainer, who left us over the Thanksgiving holiday. Chris’s dad transitioned only two months before, so the shock and stress on the body is something we know and are working through personally.

Eric was someone who stood for helping others. In addition to a healthy lifestyle, he believed most in spending time with those he loved. Our beloved friend, Eric, woke up each morning seeking to make the world a better place, and with him in our lives, he did just that.

It is challenging to take healthy steps when you’re experiencing acute grief over the loss of someone you love.

The “easier” path is to ignore the body and avoid the pain…Many will choose to distract the mind and numb their feelings, but that only makes the negative emotions sink deeper into the cells, tissues and organs of the body.

One person aligned with love and gratitude is more powerful that a million people out of alignment.

Let us take you through a set of powerful healing exercises that will allow you to align with gratitude, process and release feelings of grief that you, or someone you know, may be experiencing.

Through this ancient Qigong practice, we may begin the process of emotional and physical repair. We may release the negative feelings associated with our grief while we hold on to the wisdom gained. With an open heart and spirit, we can direct our pain towards helping others and sharing what we have learned.

This grief can positively impact our lives when we transmute our sadness into courage, strength and inspiration that guide us to even greater states of righteous thoughts, speech and action in the world.

By keeping our hearts open and our bodies clear, we may bestow a gift upon those we have loved and lost.

May we honor those we’ve loved and lost by bringing love and light into the world this holiday season and beyond.


-Chris and Parisa


PS – here is a fun interview Chris and Eric did back in 2019



Also Read –Because You’re SPECIAL

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