
There’s A Hole In Your Bucket

Like the Leaves, Let Go This Season

Have you ever heard the adage that the richest place in the city is the graveyard?   It’s where all our treasures are buried.

Today is Remembrance Day – 11 11. Powerful numbers. My favorite numbers too.

Sometime today give yourself a gift.

Take a moment and celebrate the life you’re leading right now.

Yup, the highs and the lows.

Life is a gift, a privilege and, most days, a pleasure and delight.

The freedoms we enjoy today didn’t come for free.

To soldiers seen and unseen: Thank You.

No matter how life is unfolding for you today, keep perspective and look to nature for help.

When we are birthing new projects, we are Spring.

When we are active and building, we are Summer.

When we are slow and hibernating, we are Fall. (That’s now!)

When we are reflective, collecting and decay, we are Winter.

As we shift into a new season, remember to adjust your mindfulness practice. As the seasons change, we change.

Five-Element Theory says so. And so do I.

The Qigong routines you were practicing this summer might differ from what your body-mind-spirit wants this fall.

Go with the flow.  Be in the flow.  Be like water, my friend.

Follow your nature. Let go like the leaves. Cuddle up like a bear. (Resist chubbing up like a bear!)

Let’s get back to the graveyard and those treasures buried deep.

Substitute the word “treasure” with “bucket list.”  Your treasures are what’s in your life now. Your treasures are your dreams realized.

Your brightest, most precious, priceless jewel?  No, not your dog!  Your health.

We all have millions of wishes, dreams and To Do’s when we’re healthy and strong.

But when someone is sick or in pain, that suffering person has only one wish: to feel and be healthy again.

As Parisa and I celebrate our 8th wedding anniversary today – hooray! I told you 11 11 was my favorite number – I am grateful for the healthy and happy relationship we have with each other and with the special people in our lives.

You’re part of that friendship circle. You are a treasure to us and to our Work in the world.

One of the greatest blessings and ways that I fill “my bucket” is through Qigong; not only through the health transformations I’ve experienced and shared, but from the nourishment and Joy I receive teaching Qigong to others.

I am grateful. Recovering from deep physical and emotional suffering has gifted me with deep and profound compassion for people with chronic pain who believe there is no hope.

There is always hope. There is always a way to deepen your practice, remove root cause, balance, release and heal.

Don’t let the cold fool you. The warmth of good health and freedom are within you and around you.

I hope this winter you’re able to shed whatever feels heavy or dark in your life.

Negative thoughts and people feel heavy because they are heavy – they weigh us down and kick holes in our bucket.

Our “bucket” (or battery) is where we hold our good health, good intentions and good moods.

Rather than blaming that barking dog or snarling mother-in-law as negativity to ditch this winter, consider this:

What can you let go of from within?

Can you let go of being so hard on yourself?

Can you let go of temper tantrums?

Can you let go of hating your body?

Can you let go of impatience?

Can you let go of listening to, watching or debating negative news?

Can you let go of caring about people’s opinions of you?

Can you let go so the Light gets in?

Sending you lots of love, laughter and Light this fall.




p.s. Want to know more about how the seasons affect your health?

Get your FREE copy of our Qigong book here (only pay shipping).

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