
This Year – Be a Pig!

The Days of throwing mud are over

Happy New Year! Happy Year of the P-I-G!
Despite the pig’s dirty reputation, except for being delicious – we’re talking bacon, not Kevin Bacon – pigs are gentle, intelligent and social creatures.
Pigs are the symbol of wealth in Chinese culture. (Did you think the West thought up “piggy bank” all by itself? Nope.)
Chinese New Year is based on the lunar calendar and officially begins February 5th.
According to Chinese astrology, 2019 is ideal for making money, an excellent opportunity for investment and a year abundant with joy, friendship and love.
If you’re eyerolling right now about the rosy (like a pig!) forecast, that’s okay.
You’re likely still shaking off the negative residue of 2018.
Last year, the Year of the Dog, was characterized by vicious snarling and dog fights nationally and internationally. The news gleefully showed us that a pack mentality ruled and fights for Top Dog status were constant.
But rabid, masculine dogs have been replaced by sweet, feminine pigs.
This year promises to be a softer, kinder time. As the next 12 months unfold, make a commitment to shake off the past, move forward with confidence and gather your most nourishing resources.
Take strength in recognizing, honoring and preserving the relationships that build you up. Let go of people, places and things bringing you down.
Just as “birds of a feather flock together” remember that “misery loves miserable company.”
Pigs are cheerful creatures because they’re social creatures. They eat, nap, bathe and play with like-minded pigs.
Do you know what a group of pigs is called? A team. How appropriate.
Over here at Morning Crane and Shelton Qigong we’re expanding our team and our reach.
You’re going to hear from us more often. You’re going to have more opportunity to connect with me live and online. You’re going to get even more bang for your buck.
We’re moving from one cozy mud puddle into a new pile of mud because we want to grow, connect and deepen our reach.
Parisa and I are traditionally two happy pigs (with piglets in tow) no matter the year. But this year we’re really, really ready to get uncomfortable and roll in the mud so we can expand and Serve more empowered, healthy, kind and loving souls. That’s you, by the way.
As we create and share more content, more classes, more healing practices, more opportunity to make the world better, more possibilities to co-create with you, please know this: Serving you and helping empower you toward TRUE health, wellness and fitness is our purpose in life.
You’re better than bacon!
As the Year of the Pig snorts into town and blesses your life with joy, abundance and nourishment, remember that the most important words you’ll hear this year won’t come from the news, your favorite guru or from me.
The most important words (snorts?) in 2019 are those soft, gentle nudges guiding you toward deeper, better, more holistic health.
You absolutely can heal and you absolutely can banish chronic pain, emotional and physical, from your life. And you absolutely can share those healing abilities with other people.
Be a pig. Find your team. Grow your tribe.
Savor laying in the mud and don’t worry about those pigs still throwing mud at each other. They’re not part of your team. We are. For me and Parisa, you’re the reason we get up, greet the sunshine and go play in the mud each and every day.
We are squealing with delight at the thought of spending more time with you this year. Thank you for being such a beautiful (and delicious) part of our piggy porkchop team.
Gung hay fat choy and Happy New Year my friend.
-Chris Shelton

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