
Three Regulations of Qigong

There are three regulations or pillars to Qigong, which are: physical posture,  breath, the mind intent.

Physical Posture call Wu Ji Posture

Wu ji posture
Sketch by Chris Shelton of standing Wu Ji posture

Proper body alignment provides the ways and means for smooth energetic flow. In Tai Ji and Qigong, this proper body alignment is called the Wu Ji Posture, where “wu” means none, and “ji” (the same “ji” of Tai Ji or Tai Chi) means extreme. Hence this is the way of standing that has no extremes. It is sometimes called the “emptiness” posture. It is commonly used for beginning and ending movements, and it can also be used alone, as a standing meditation.


Breathing should be natural, slow, smooth, even, and deep. Allow the abdomen to relax so that it rises with each inhalation and falls with each exhalation. Do not use force. At the end of the exhalation, the body itself will initiate the inhalation. Always breathe through your nose.

Mind Intent

Like the breathing, the mind should be relaxed. At the same time, it needs to be focused because visualization is used in most of the meditations, and later, the mind will be used to guide Qi. Balance relaxation with alert curiosity as to what is happening in your body and with firm but gentle determination to maintain your attention and intention.

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