
Your Face Shows Your Secrets

Your Face Shows Your Secrets


Wouldn’t you like to have a secret doorway into the deepest parts of yourself?

A decoder for the body’s mysteries and aspects of our personalities we are too close to see?

The ancients spent thousands of years meticulously studying the human face to provide us with just that.

You may keep no secrets from a skilled practitioner in Chinese face reading.

Chinese face reading is one of the most fascinating aspects of Chinese medicine. Although it may appear the practitioner with this skill seems to wield magic, the ancient practice it is closer to a science, and its accuracy will astound you.

The body speaks to us, and it sends signals to those who are well trained enough to see them.

The intricacies of Chinese face reading communicate everything from organ imbalance and disease to deep-seated emotional pain an individual is facing, or struggles they have yet to overcome.

It doesn’t stop there. Every aspect of ourselves affects our mental, emotional and spiritual health and this practice covers all the bases.

Chinese face reading goes beyond the superficial levels one presents to the world and provides insight into the deepest aspects of their personality, even those they may wish to keep hidden!

Join Chris on WTFrick Live, where he shares his own personal journey and knowledge of Qigong before giving the hosts, Emily Menshouse and Rick Dunn, a window into the ancient practice of face reading and all that it can reveal about a person.

Join us for a lively discussion on all things Chris Shelton, Qigong and Chinese face reading!!

You won’t want to miss this.

Warning: You may never look at someone’s face the same way again!!


Also read: Qi Coaching Week

4 thoughts on “Your Face Shows Your Secrets”

  1. Ms. Amari Thomas

    Loved this video! Chris is so spot on. I took his face reading class years ago and have seen how paying attention to facial characteristics really helps you get to know someone better. Awesome teacher! Going to sign up for the Qi class now!

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