
Back Pain Book Update

Hello there,

As fires blaze throughout northern California, where both Chris and Parisa are from, our hearts go out to those struggling and evacuating their homes.

We want to say that even in the darkest times, there is always a glimer of hope if you let LOVE guide the way. ♥️♥️♥️

Please reach out if you need help.
There are resources available to solve all kinds of “problems.”

>And the survey says

Last week we asked you if you wanted to learn first learn how to resolve back pain, or how to boost your immunity.

The results were super close, but the comments spoke for themselves.

>Drum roll please ? ? ?

How to resolve back pain is the winner AND we’ve decided to release information on both topics. Just that we’ll work on the freebie to help with back pain first.

This also makes sense because the book that we’re getting ready to release is about how to fix back and neck pain.

I’ve been working on this book for over five years now, and we’re getting down to the final months. Hooray!!!

In this week’s video I give you a glimpse of what we’ve been going through in an effort to brith this book, and an update on its release.

Our intention with this video is also to inspire you to get motivated on creating content that makes you excited, including writing your own book, so that you can be the best person you can possibly be.

Until next time. Be well. And Qi ya later.


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