
Immunity Boosting Qigong for Autumn

Dear Reader,

I hope this love letter finds you in good health and in good spirits! ?

And if not, hopefully some of the tips and tools mentioned in this week’s video can help boost your immunity during these autumn months and beyond.

Speaking of spirits, I talk about “wind evils,” which is a term in Chinese medicine used to describe the driving force of all dis-EASE in the body.

The elegance of this healthcare model is that we look at the different climatic conditions of the body, and then apply movement, mindfulness, and natural herbs to rebalance the body’s climate. Thus producing vibrant health, clarity, and peace of mind.

Your mindset matters, and will directly affect your body’s ability to fight off colds, flus, viruses, and bacteria. That is why this week I share mindfulness practices, to refocus the mind, to facilitate your body’s natural ability to heal itself.

If you or anyone you know is considered “at risk,” or are part of a “vulnerable population,” please watch and share this week’s video.

Qi you later.


Click here to watch Qigong for Immunity Boost 

Click here to listen to White Blood Cells by Emma

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