
Self-care for Caregivers

You cannot give what you don’t have…

“If you’re not in a state of well-being and balance, how can you truly show up to care for others?”

One of the greatest gifts you can give another is to care for them, but in order to do this to your greatest ability, you must first take care of you!

Because of the energy exchange involved in caregiving, whether in your professional or personal life, it is a necessity that you first fill your own cup. Otherwise, you may find yourself drained and exhausted after caring for another, even those you love dearly.

Today, I want to share with you our monthly health education video on self-care for caregivers.

I will take you through lifestyle practices and exercises that will leave you feeling healthy and fulfilled, energized and balanced.

By practicing self-care, you will show up as your best self when it is time to help others. By giving to yourself first, you will have the energy, stamina, focus and foundation to make a positive impact in the lives of those you care for.

Coming from a state of balance, harmony and fulfillment within, this energy exchange will add to both parties, versus leaving you feeling drained of your own vitality in “service” to another.

By implementing the tools from this workshop, you will create a strong foundation of wellness, so that when you provide care to others, you will show up happy, healthy, and ready for action!

By nurturing your best self and sharing this expansive energy, you will multiply the healing effect you provide to those you are in service to.

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