
Suffering Is Meant to Awaken Us!

A true sage is someone who has gone through suffering….    

-Master Hua-Ching Ni

It was an honor to be invited as a guest on the Qiological podcast, by Michael Max.

One of the first things Michael asked when it came to my Qigong healing practice was, “How’d you get there? What happened?”

I’m not sure he knew what he was in for!

We all have our backstory, our history, our struggles and our traumas…

For me, personally, it took narrowly escaping death a couple of times as a teenager and almost losing my ability to walk for me to start on my path towards healing and eventually finding my life’s purpose in Tai Chi, Qigong and Chinese medicine.

Yet, as I say to Michael in this episode, another aspect of our life’s purpose is: to recognize that the suffering you go through is meant to awaken you!

I had a choice: make a change or die. For me, it was simple, but the transformations that come along with these ancient practices do more than heal the body, they will change your life.

Once on my healing journey, I worked diligently to cultivate the practice of mindfulness and awareness through Tai Chi and Qigong.

With greater awareness, one can realize the part they play in their own suffering due to their actions and mindset.

And, thanks to this ancient wisdom, we have the tools to make new choices and respond in ways that both heal and free us, impacting not only ourselves, but the entire world around us.

As I share with Michael on the podcast, it was through suffering and pain that I learned to love myself and to co-create with God the life that I envisioned.

Michael and I did not skim the surface on this podcast! I think you will enjoy this intelligent and deep conversation covering my own insights into non-attachment, personal agency and how to use the principles of Qigong “to get more friendly with suffering.”

I am grateful for the path I am on and the suffering I have experienced, because it allows for greater expansion and for me to connect with others.

Thank you for being part of this community! We are on a mission to empower you to be the best person you can possibly be.

Qi ON,

-Chris (and Parisa)

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