
When Facing Change, Be Like Water: Go With the Flow!

As promised, the Year of the Red Monkey is moving fast and filled with change.

Everywhere I look, I see change: at work, at home and around the world. It’s a daily effort to stay peaceful and calm when we’re bombarded by images of fear and negativity. Our famous California sun rises every morning, but there are still days when I work hard to clear feelings of discomfort, anger and hurt.

And yes, I access my inner sunshine by eating well, being around like-minded people (you!) and practicing daily Qigong and meditation.

In the political arena, WOW! On the surface, we’re watching a game of extremes. Yet when we compare the game of politics to Yin-and-Yang theory, we uncover a beautiful and peaceful message. The essence of one side always exists in the other side. We’re one family, in this game together, no matter who we cheer, boo, love or fear.

At the core of our being, we all want the same thing. Everyone wants LOVE and HAPPINESS. It’s our birthright. What you give, you receive.

So how can we stay positive no matter what the news tells us?

Ironically, I look to the past when the present threatens my hope in the future. One of my favorite sources of spiritual “sunshine” are the ancient teachings of Taoist Master Huang Chin Ni. Below is an edited excerpt from TAO: The Subtle Universal Law & The Integral Way of Life.

“We are limited in our ability to control our environment. The area we can effect positive change, in our life and in society, is within the realm of our own consciousness. If one can reconstruct one’s mind and restore its original positive and innocent qualities, the events of one’s life will be positive.”

Surrounding yourself with nature is one of the best ways to rest, refuel and rejuvenate your mind, body and spirit. Whether you live in the countryside or on the city-side of life, every day make the intention to stop and admire a tree, garden or body of moving water. Take a moment to sit in silence and appreciate being alive. Life really IS beautiful and miraculous. And so are YOU! Each of us is a work in progress and a force of nature.

This summer we visited two natural wonders of the world: Niagara Falls and the Grand Canyon. The power of the falls and the depth of the canyon were beautiful reminders of how tiny and temporary our problems are. Nature always reminds us of the bigger picture… and so does change.

Thank you for your continued love and support as we learn to flow with all this change, change, change.

Love & Gratitude,
-Chris & Parisa Shelton

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